@Truth_Hurts_U The consoles are holding PCs back too, noting most games are made with consoles in mind. Don't get too many games that actually take advantage of the hardware.
Digital distribution will be way going forward, anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves (doesn't mean you have to like it). I think it would be a bit presumptuous to state that the next generation of consoles will fail if they are not exclusively digital. Many people are still tethered to the notion of owning physical copies, quite a few people don't have decent bandwidth, or they have annoyingly limiting caps in place, so making such a bold move would bode fairly poorly for a console manufacturer.
Digital only is, however, cheaper for both ends, both the developer and the consumer. The Indie game scene has also seen a huge boon in the face of viable online distribution, as seen with Steam. Both of these aspects of an increase in digital distribution make for the possibility of more creative games actually seeing the light of day, instead of being binned as too risky.
Digital distro only will certainly take over one day, but not necessarily any time soon.
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