logirange's forum posts
The only game I've bought several times, other than WoW (simply just to get more accounts - wich I rly don't think apply for this thread ;)), is Starcraft :)
I bought it once, and my disk broke. bought it the second time, with the expansion, and my expansion disk suddenly disappeared. Third time I bought the set again, and now it's sitting nicely on my desk, so it can always be found :D
Starcraft is actually the first game I ever install on my computer after a format or w/e :)
I'll have a look into Bioshock at least :) I've seen S.T.A.L.K.E.R and weren't that impressed by the graphics I have to admit :(
Mapple; May seem so, I'm affraid.. I'll just hang on for a while, on the PC scene, and see what comes up hence I love playing WASD and mouse games ^^
Well :) Thanks for the cool and very fast comments ^^
I'm also looking for a game that offers some shopping for both gear and weapon upgrades.
I was thinking about looking at crysis, after reading the reviews. The enviroment sounds tempting :)
but does any of the games you mention offer a shopping section, for my gucci fetish? hehe
First topic as user - yay :)
A buddy and my self bought a PS3 a while ago, and just yesterday we invested in a completely nice game; Army of Two - omg the brilliance! Fantastic graphics (even without HD - I can't begin to imagine the HD!), and terrific weapon options imo. I just recently got a computer at my disposal, so now I'm also started to get interested in some of the cool PC games thats out there.
The thing I like about Army of Two is the way you can upgrade your weapons. For those who haven't tried/seen Army of Two the following options are: Barrel, Silencer, Clip, Shield (if possible), attachments and a cpl of more (haven't tried it that much, just yet :p).
So the real question is;
Does anyone know any PC games with similar weapon options and/or options for gear (like helmets, armor or so)?
Also I might add, that I'm also familiar to gameplays like Splinter Cell Double Agent (Again PS3 - haven't tried PC versions), wich also offers a unique gameplay imo - It's cool to switch gameplays once in a while, so you don't get bored with gunning people down easily.
Also I should add some computer specs (in order to meet system reqs - I'm not looking for comments/help on hardware :))
Athlon 3.8+, 2GB DDR II and a GeForce 7950GT
Cheers :) Hope the forum is as nice as the rest of this fabulous site :D
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