loki_rj / Member

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New chapter begins...

Today was voting day here in Brazil. We voted for mayor and... something else I can't quite remember how to translate to English. But as important as that decision was, I made one far more important to my life (gaming life, that is) last wednesday. I've been saving some money for about six months, now, forsaking my social life (apart from my girlfriend, who's still able to spend almost every single cent I make) and concentrating on college only. My mother told me to spend it with maturity, to take what I saved and make something out of it. So I bought a XBox 360...

I had been craving for a PS3 since I first heard about the wonder that was Metal Gear 4, but here in Brazil it's cheaper to get a transplant than to afford one of those, so I thought, hey, what the hell. It looks like it isn't such a big hit anyway. So in the same batch, I've ordered the 360 and GTA IV. With my birthday coming up next friday, I think I'll isolate myself from the world a bit, and just enjoy the graphs.

So to anyone reading this I ask: Any games for the 360 (or games that are 'also on' 360) that you'd like to recommend? I'm thinking of buying Saints Row, and perhaps even the Bourne Conspiracy game. And I know I'm picking up the new Spider Man as soon as it comes out. But apart from that... I'm a bit clueless here.