I guess we can add Die Hard to the list of film franchises that have gone down the toilet now. Fox just killed the franchise by making a new PG-13 Die Hard.
Vista is great. Yes, it is a system whore, but you can make it less resource-intensive if you disable all the useless services Microsoft has. And if you hate the confirmation boxes, you can disable those too.
http://members.iinet.net.au/~pontipak/redsquare.html Hold the red square and keep it from touching the black border or the blue objects. My best is 12 seconds. EDIT: Just got to 15.844 seconds. EDIT: Now my high is 18.344.
I know this is a generalization, but people seem to think that it's "cool" to hate whatever is mainstream\popular. Although their new CD is pretty crappy with the exception of What I've Done.
who gives a damn if anything happens ill be dead by then so i really dont care but id rather have our taxes going toward better education or something than 'earthfriendly' thingsLeo_Rules
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