Yeah. I remember when Half life 2 was the graphics king, then FEAR dethroned it, then Gears of War. I don't remember what came in between GeoW and Crysis though, if anything did.Was"graphics king" even talked about before Crysis?
lolfiretruck's forum posts
They did remake all the starting areas, and the undead ones are the best imo, go with that.[QUOTE="lolfiretruck"][QUOTE="paop1"]
oh i thought they re made the starting areas for all races? Im going to make an undead. Is it only the quest that were re made for these areas?
ok thanks! and this is already implemented in the game?
Yep! Cataclysm has basically been released already in a patch except for the 80-85 stuff.They did remake all the starting areas, and the undead ones are the best imo, go with that.oh i thought they re made the starting areas for all races? Im going to make an undead. Is it only the quest that were re made for these areas?
Every statement you made except for welfare epics is false. The welfare epics point can easily be disputed by the ridiculous stat gap between vendored epics and hard instance epics.[QUOTE="shakmaster13"][QUOTE="Roland123_basic"] harder, more interesting/complex dungeons and encounters, better sense of community thanks to 40 man raids, no wellfare epics, gear actually meant something... the list goes on...Roland123_basic
oh ok.... so guilds cleared ragnoros the first day he launched like they did with ICC right? right? oh wait.... they didnt.
no instance in TBC or beyond was anywhere near the complexity/interest of BWL....sorry, they just arent.
community was WAY more tight nit pre TBC thanks to larger guilds needing to be more organized in order to accomplish harder instances.
TBC and WotLK never even came close to what it was like to be in a highly coordinated, successful, top tier guild. until ICC, there was NO difference between vendored epics and instance epics. you could get 3 of the 5 top tier pieces from tokens ffs....
Hard mode lich king was killed five months after he was introduced. I also don't think you played during TBC because you would know that early on, Magtheridon, Serpentshrine Caverns, and the last boss of Tempest Keep took months to kill, and we're much harder than BWL. Many bosses in Sunwell were extremely difficult too, with Muru taking an average of 200 attempts before the top guilds could kill him.I haven't played in awhile but are twinks still a problem at lower level pvp battles?Pvt_r3dNo. They added xp gain from bg's so twinks are a thing of the past.
Molten Core (Shudder),
Epic 40 men istance that everyone started with was epic.
Molten Core was a long boring firey hallway with tank and spank bosses and tank and spank trash. Nothing about it was challenging and it was only epic because it was the first 40 man raid people ever saw.
Don't see how this is a negative in any way, shape or form.
Sure it was fine with your first character, but by your second or third alt getting attuned to onyxia was tiresome.
PVP was non existent (Honor system wasn't introduced until 2006 sometime)
there were no such thing as battlegrounds for a long time,
This is a joke, right? PvP *died* once when the rank system and BGs were introduced, luckily good ol' Alterac Valleys managed to keep people entertained, then was forcefully kicked into the grave when arenas were introduced.
Pre BGs it was all about which side had more people, or the higher levels. There was no skill involved in world pvp.
instances took hours,
The one example you have is pretty much speed running an instance that required people to outgear it to complete. Most instances did take a very long time and were very tedious. I'm not saying the hallways of bc and wrath are any better. Cata looks like it hit a sweet spot with its instances though.
gear was horrible and poorly itemized,
Ridiculous. Customizability before raid gear was way beyond anything we can see in TBC or WLK, and at the time skill mattered. Gear was an additional help, now it's the opposite. What you said is just plain wrong.
He isn't wrong. Mail or plate with +spirit or spellpower?. Of the boar/whale gear? Blizzard really didn't know what they were doing then and people didn't know how to gear themselves with all these ridiculous stats.
I don't care what people say about balancing WoW has been unbalanced since launch and even more so at launch (Did anybody try killing a Paladin in Vanilla? They were invincible, Mages were a joke, Warlocks were a laughing stock, nobody wanted a Shaman, Warriors were the only viable tanks)
Joke, again?
Paladins were almost useless in PvP, mages were great, warlocks were almost invincible if played by a person with any clue (which you evidently lack, since DRs didn't exist and warlocks could keep you feared all the time), shamans were considered to be *the* overpowered c.lass, the warriors part is irrelevant to balance.
Agree, warlocks and shaman were pretty nuts. Paladin were pretty easy kills though, they were never able to pump out big damage until wrath came out when they introduced divine storm and crusader strike.
many zones were unfinished,
True. Not that it's any different with WLK lol.
What wrath zones were unfinished? They were all very polished.
*Breath* Griefing was rampant,
You said yourself PvP was nonexistant, are you confused?
High levels killing lowbies is not considered PvP.
quest rewards sucked,
Read the above - at the time existed the idea of "progress", and you had to struggle for it.
Yes, being a warrior and having the option of a STR/SPI chestpiece or a INT/SP axe is blizzard wanting us to struggle. :roll:
the grind to grand Marshal or High Warlord was only viable for the insane,the only people with good gear were the people with no lives, I don't really think I need to go on
No, indeed. You didn't even have to start - very few points of what you said make any sense. You either played at the time and completely missed the point of WoW and evidently didn't have a guild, or just heard these from a friend.
Your scorn for dedication is disturbing.
edit: blasted GS with screwed up HTML handling.
Sounds like you need to take off your nostalgia goggles bro. You're taking all the fauts of ****c wow that blizzard eventually changed for the better, and spinning them into a positive.
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