OkI play a lot Fall out 3 and I do the quest but I am lacking with caps I only have 650 and I already on my way to Voult 112 but i want to get at leasr 1000 to be able to get a fallower like the Robot. So does any one know how to get caps and where do i need to go. I just downloaded the survival book for Fall out 3 and some hits. But if any one can help me find caps or where to get caps will be asome.
OK I know that this is funny cause i did. I play a lot Fall out 3 and I'm so use to having some animal or some Mutant attack me from behind that I dreamed I was walking along and all the suddenly a large dog attacked me. So what I did is turn around and hit the dog but what i did not realized, was that the dog that was behind me was my girlfriend sleeping next to me. So instead of hitting the dog in my dream I hit my girlfriend in the face. Man was she mad I am not allowed to play that game before bed any more. :lol:
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