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Splinter Cell Convictions is it a redefining of the entire stealth genera

Stealth is an amazing genera that updates and changes with every game, but lately that has not been the case. Games like velvet assassin make mockery of stealth games. on the other side keeping the game the same is not good either. Changing the mechanics of the game have messed them up in the past though, like with Metal Gear Solid 4 which took stealth in War, which for me diminished the feeling and they took away Metal Gear Solid henchman syndrome which made playing the game actually possible. Splinter Cell Convictions so far seems like a perfect balance of change and the same. making the character hit harder and move faster without losing it's feeling of stealth and being a spy. It also introduces the Rainbow Six outfitting which will be extremely useful and change the way we play the game

If you have any opinions on this or stealth games in general, feel free to post, but if you flame or troll I will delete it and report you