2002. this year was my last favorite year.
Rachet and Clank, and Gran Turismo 3 were my greatest memories. Watching the blue sky's of the super speedway engulf my 32 inch TV screen as i conkered the plain of cement infront of me.. or temporarly holding this short-long term goal in my head to collect 1,000 bolts for a Glove. Even though it was a demo, i still wanted that glove.. i didn't care that it would be gone once i turned off the ps2, i wanted it. But it wasn't the games themselves.. it was who i enjoyed them with. My big bro. That year was the last year we would be close.. after that, well, after that we would separate. He went one way, i went the other. Life progresses only in the eye of the beholder, but to others.. life can sometime regress. Expossing the loneliness and hitting you when your vulnerable. Life is like a drug, shorten the dose and you will go insane.. you want your old dosage back.. your old life. This will inturn cause you to break down.. and eventually change you into a person of which only time could for tell.
Sunny days and blue skys are what makes my memories come back to me. Some day though, i will come back to you memories.. someday i will come back to happiness.
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