lord-of-impulse's forum posts
FFT really takes the cake! the best FF game from outside the series. great battle systems and not to mention memorable characters, villians and much more.
i prefered vice city, the storyline, characters and settings were better. in the start of SA, i barely knew what i was doing. i was more in control in VC.
but yes SA is a better game, play-wise. better graphics, sound, vehicles, possibilities and weapons altogether.
i prefer the slimline, cos it has a better vendilator. my previous ps2 (the big one) had to go for a cleaning every 4-6 months. i dont ever need to do so for my slimline.
the slimline also has an adapter. although you can buy one for the old ps2, the slimline already comes with it.
it think the slimline is one of sony's plans to beat the xbox. the xbox's bulky size is a disadvantage as it is harder to transport. the slimline wins from this aspect although it loses by many others. the old ps2 also faced a size poblem although not that serious.
other reasons include the online feature and flipcover.
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