In order to compete in the rapidly growing MMORPG market, developers are definitely trying out new things. When I first started playing MMO games back in 1999, games like Ultima Online and Everquest offered no tutorials at all, and players had to figure out what to do. Games are becoming more and more user friendly and now involve more in-depth tutorials than ever before. Games like Eve Online and MapleStory both offer lengthy tutorials, the Eve Online tutorial being just about an hour long. In order to try something new, Martial Heroes and Magic World Online both decided to try and make their game as convenient as possible for players.
Martial Heroes, a 3D MMORPG set in the ancient orient, is probably one of the most accommodating MMORPGs on the market. The game's developers tried their best to make sure players start off with enough equipment and supplies to enjoy the game. Unfortunately, the developers over did it. All new characters in Martial Heroes start off with 1,000 HP & MP potions, all the skill books they'll need for the first few levels, a mount and a set of free equipment. There's nothing wrong with starting new players off with some basic equipment and a handful of potions, but it's clear that the developers went overboard with handouts. Being convenient is one thing, but giving new players everything they could possibly need takes away any challenge an MMORPG has and the fun of having to save up for an awesome new sword.
Magic World Online actually makes itself even more convenient than Martial Heroes. The game has a built in "bot" which actually plays the game for you. The "bot" doesn't just grind, it loots, uses potions, and even runs away when your HP is low. If you do happen to die in Magic World Online while using the game's "bot", have no fear, as the "bot" will run all the way back to the place where you died, and resume grinding for you. Players can easily configure the "bot" to use skills and spells as well, and to even run back to town and sell the loot you gather while grinding. If you don't like grinding you may be thinking that this is an awesome idea, but it's not. You'll never actually play Magic World Online, as the game plays itself. It's sort of like Progress Quest, but with graphics.