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proverbs 2


18. I would will give up all my petty desires for one long sweet kiss.

19. In jealousy there is more self-love than true love.

20. A show of envy is an insult to oneself.

21. Men's evil deeds we write in stone, but their virtues we write in water.

ok yesterday i got called down by the principle of the school i part time at for my survey. it is a christian school, so everyone there is a shelter christian, except for me, and he told me that i cant ask anymore girls because it has sexual overtones and he wont have any of that in his school. it is weird.

so i read josh's post, and it made me decide to write alittle bit about my philosophy of the human nature. i do not believe in fate, a grand destiny, or anything like that. i believ that the only thing that can limit us from being who we want is ourselves. i believe that there are 4 things which shape us as human beings. genes, actions, memories, and the times.

genes are the bases of who we are, they shape what we look like, how smart we are, and, if we let them, they will limit what we can become. some people think of genes as being the blue-print for what each individual will become, like our destiny or fate, and if we let them do that, then they will. but we can overcome our genes and become the type of person we want to be. josh and i are born leaders, and not like others. it is written into our genes to be that way, or is it. did we become leaders and free thinkers because of genetics or did we become this way through something else. this brings me to the next part of my philosophy.

actions, events, and experiences. they shape us aswell. the actions and events in your life will influence u and have an effect on who u will be in the future. this is how strong freindships are born, by shared experinces. the more character shaping events u go through with a friend the closer u will become, because u will both have been changed at the sametime and in the same way. maybe josh and i became leaders not through genes, but through experiences in our lives. if i had never met syble, i would be vulnerable to heart break right now, i still am right now, but not as much as i would be if i had never gone through the whole thing with her. and im glad that i did, i would rather learn that relationships are just perfect now instead of learning it when im older and all i have had are perfect relationships and i wont know what to do.

memories, they shape us aswell. memories are important, they should not be suppressed, or else they will tear at your psyci and slowly destroy u from the inside, u will sabitage relationship without knowing why, u will push the people away that u should embrase. accept your memories and learn how not to be caught in the same harmful situations twice. memories are also important because they let u remember the actions, events and experiences that built u.

time, the last subject. by time i mean the time we live in. someone from the 1300's would be horrified by the way we dress and even afraid of it. if u dont understand what i mean then i dont think u will understand, because that is about all i can say about it.

that is my theory on what shapes our behaviours. its not exactly the most original idea ever created, but then again, what is? please leave a comment, i hope u enjoyed reading it, and that u took something away from it. later.

Lord British Was Here!!!!