as long as we the gamer talk about this loudly NOW the way we feel will be recognized later in price, features or what it is that we want because we make them money. if we want lower prices and complain now and later when they do it dont buy the games and keep complaining. if we stick together the gamers can get what we want. right now its us the consumer vs big business but bb knows that we cant come together for any length of time for anything meaningful like a price change because there are too many people with that adittude of i want it now because cant wait and dont care about the price but will complain after having spent it. BB does hear your complaints after youve given up your money. take action now people. sony cares right now because they came in second place this gen but only because developers are lazy bastards and publishers are greedy whores who cant wait.
all of these game were started b4 companies realized the true power of the ps3 and i will wait till some post e3/gdc are out to use as a comparison because as you all know which ever system is deemed the most popular is the one who gets the work put into it not the best one. example: ps2 vs xbox , xbox was the better system but because more people had ps2 xbox versions didnt get what it should have and now things are reversed with 360 being in more homes
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