Philip's blog entry #1
by lordvalek on Comments
well, this is my first blog entry ever, and im not talking just on this site, im talking all sites. i guess i waited for some reason, i could say but i really dont know. hold on my daughter is getting into some trouble. well it looks like i lucked out she was just playing with a cardboard tube, left overs from christmas wraping paper. well its offically 4 days until christmas, im excited cause im getting a playstation 2 after being without one for more than a year, going on 2 years. im hopefully gonna have a good christmas. it will be my first one in a long time. oh and so everyone who may read this doesnt wonder what ive been doing without a playstation 2 for almost 2 years, i have an xbox and a good pc. so ive still been gaming. i actually prefer my pc over almost every other console, mostly cause there is alot more control with a keyboard than an 8 or 12 button controller. i mostly play my city of heroes/villians account on pc, but because i have a family its hard to get to really grind out some levels. well my daughter is hungry, and trust me, you dont wanna keep a hungry 14 month old waiting. til next blog