Austin 3:16 said I just whipped your ass, HULK HOGAN!
Good, I like his ideas for the Hall of Fame. It would be great to see Jake Roberts and Randy Savage in there, since they're one of the greatest of all time!
honestly, last one I bought was in like... 2005... when Rey Rey won at Wrestlemania. Since then, I've watched most of them on YouTube and a lot of them are for free on the AFN Channels, which I used to get... so yea... it's been awhile. Especially since they're ridiculously expensive now.
10. Undiputed Championship Match: Edge vs Christian vs Triple H vs Samoa Joe: Winner: Samoa Joe. Starts out as a pseudo Tag match, with E and C renuiting and forcing Joe and Trips to form a makeshift team, until Joe decides enough is enough and doesn't save Trips. Edge eliminates Triple H. Now E and C beat down on Joe until they start turning on each other. Edge eliminates Christian. Joe defeats Edge and wins the Undisputed Championship.
That, my friend, is an amazing idea. Although, I doubt Triple H would be in the match, it'd be John Cena. And, the E would probably not let Samoa Joe win, since if they DID buy TNA, I am sure they'd try and bury it, just like WCW and ECW.
They suck. The whole idea sucks. It's boring and stupid. The same **** thing as last year... Except, it sucks a lot more. Why don't they just put Big Show in the title picture? He could make a good opponent for Cena and HHH. I mean, this whole Mayweather angle is retarted, and was completely random. They should've builded up to it better and should've taught Mayweather how to put on a decent promo, not those boring ones... man, just please, put Big Show in something better.
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