I just realized something about this nintendo Wii uber blog check it
by loserkid962 on Comments
The Wii.... Sucks, very much so. Ever sense i bought it and beat zelda it's had one job. Sitting in a cardboard box in my closet collecting dust. Basically all its good for. And as far as Zelda: Twilight Princess, it's an awesome game but.. you might as well cross of twilight princess and write in crayon "Ocarina of Time" It's the same game and dont lie to me and say it isnt. And any game besides the ever so unoriginal zelda and the mario games. SUCKS. WII MUSIC?!?! You don't even play the music, you pick the rythym and it plays with whatever your playing. I have one philosophy about the Wii, People who don't play videogames.... play the wii. That's all there is to my philosophy. I don't care how many people think im a fanboy because im not. I play the 360, the ps3, and the pc and i enjoy them all the same. But there's nothing ever exciting for the Wii. OOohh wii sports resort. WTF? who cares about wii sports. And buying old games for like 10 bucks? wtf you can pay like 50 cents at gamestop for the games you're getting if you aren't a noob and have the systems. So basically that's my rant on the wii. It sucks.. Don't lie to me and say its good. It's a gamecube with a crappy motion control sensor. Hell, even the Wii motto sucks "Wii simply brings more smiles to more faces" ....Uh.... maybe to 6 year old kids BUT YOU ARE NOT GETTING TO ME NINTENDO, NAZI'S TRYING TO ROB US OF 250 DOLLARS.