It occurs to me that it's been two and a half years since the last time I posted in here; I realized then that nobody reads it and that I was wasting my time. Now, with ten empty minutes to occupy and Halo fans again enraged, their short fuses lit prematurely, it was my decision to come up with another post.
Here's the thing. This has always been the thing, and as things go, this thing is huge. Halo fans are nuts. They're insane. They get furious over the smallest things, and each and every one of them thinks they're the greatest player to walk the digital earth, and that all other Spartans should bow (crouch?) at the very mention of their presence.
And each of them has a terrible addiction. Like meth, except geekier and with slightly fewer skin lesions.
The beta was delayed. And evidently, this is maddening to their foreign and simple species. "I! Halo! No? Beta? Smash!" It is common knowledge that the third syllable, to them, is something that happens to other people.
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