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lovenu4ever523 Blog

I have been away but am back!!!!

I have been away for a while for personal reason but am back now and need to catch up lol.  I am getting very excited about football season, I will have to start it on my own but will finally have my fiance here soon after to company me.  If anyone can help me out here and tell me whats up on TV cuz even that I have been away from and I need to catch up.  I wish you all happiness and love.  We need more good tv shows to watch hopefully we will get some LOL.


Football Forum

I am so glad I put up a forum on football, I have learned alot since I am new to football.  I really think I will be able to impress my fiance when he gets back from Iraq when I start talking to him about foot ball now I just need to learn to play madden and I am set.  I do this just so me and him can have more things to share when we are together.  Thanx to all who helped out on the forum.


Hi you can call me ~loven~ I am new here i am just trying to figure this out hope fully someone can help me here.  Hopefully I will get a hang of this soon but I will keep trying.  :?