oh man... that's it. i am done with GS for good now. cya. not only is the reporting totally bias against PS3 (i am a very happy 360 owner) but the fanboyism is just insane on this site. i love my 360 and XBL is a great service. sony is having a hard time but it is only 4 month old. i didnt buy an xbox until Gears.... I already have 15 great games (dead risiing, Oblivion, crackdown, viva pinata, etc). i have not had to endure any of the teething issues or high prices of the console launch. i will do the same thing with PS3 - wait. when the time is ready, purchase. yes, Home is ambitious, but man never flew directly to the moon... it took many years of developing aviation knowledge. i love xbox live but an 'always on' Home environment would really appeal to some people (not me tho). some of the comments below are so Fanboy. i think Sexy FF7 commented on the need for voicemail on the PS3 and said it would be impossible and require disk space and a massive rework of the infrastructure. Clearly you have never played XboxLive - with voice mail and many many other features that Sony need to get up to speed with. xboxlive gamertag: a dirty old git
holy cow! 11pounds!!!!! and everyone said the 1st gen xbox was a monster... this is nearly double the weight! maybe they wanted you to feel the weight of all your hardearned money LMAO! i will most likely get one but not til they come down in price... and weight! hahaha
" fra61 why people keep saying that Blu-Ray wont last. If you dont remember, PS was the first game console to use CD ( the PC dont enter in this ), and then everybody do the same. The same happen with the PS 2 and the DVD format. If you have learn a minimum of history, you could say what will happen with BLU-RAY." WHAT?!?!?! you need to learn history yourself!!!! PS1 was the FIFTH games machine to use CD ACTUALLY. SEGA CD 3DO NEO GEO CD SEGA SATURN and you dont incldue the PC - why? not that it makes a difference. I am a big Xbox fan (Live is an amazing service for only few dollars a month - so what if Sony one is free they have not doen a decent online service yet!). But I have owned all Sony machines so far. I will be getting a Wii (already have 360). I was really going to get a PS3 but my ass is stuck in London so have to wait til next year... but after all the sh!t going on with Sony lately I am gonna wait til they come down in price and understand how to use the hardware. I reckon i will get PS3 next Xmas.... now that my PS3 order from Lik Sang will never arrive [sob]
all things must be viewed in context. can you imagine trying to get the psp graphics and sound on a cartridge? it wouldnt happen. i own a DS and a PSP and i love them both for what they offer. i agree with other posts that if you want to avoid load times then avoid EAag mes as they take the piss - even from memory stick. more and more often, loading times are disguised - check out tekken or legoSW2
lovermanxxx's comments