I think you will find the screens small after the dsxl......stick to the dsxl...
lovingRPGs' forum posts
As long as 3d affect does not replace gameplay? When game develpers are designing they must put gameplay 1st, anyone remember the early Amiga games? All visual affect and rubbish gameplay.
No not me, I find it interesting but I chose the dsi (xl) because of the game list (RPGS) I was looking around for a consol that had a large RPG list, so checked out the game list first, then chose the consol that played them, the dsi.But it seems the RPGs available for the 3DS is a bit short on RPGs (at the moment) also my eyes are crap because of years of close up working, so the bigger screen on the DSXL is perfect.
Do you play one game at a time untill finished, I dont, I wish I could but as I get a third or half way through a game, a new one comes out I must have.I then start that one to see what it plays like.saying to myself I will get back to the previous game later. So up to date I am playing Pokemon heart gold,ys book one (nr the end) Dragons quest 9, Mario and Luigi Bowsers inside story (I cant stop playing this one) BUT tomorrow I will be receiving through the post Okamiden, and of course I must test this one out Yikes here we go again. Is this normal?
Just had an email from Amazon offering 3DS for £187.00 is this the cheapest??????? see link below
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