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New live game, the one with the cube, some other stuff.

I've been playing a lot of Pac Man CE, I dunno there's nothing quite like the feeling of going 120mph round corners and kicking ass in that game. I don't go to the bars anymore but I think they could make a killing with one of those in every bar, pool hall and bowling alley. Like te good old days. So after the adrenaline wore off and my score started going down I played the geon cube game or what ever it's called. I've read that alot of people are impessed with the game. After PMCE :) I don't see it Compared to the mighty PAC ATTACK I found the controls clumsy and even on my LCD not too easy to decipher.

Another thing I noticed and I'm not too sure about is some sort of funding from the EU for the game in the opening credits. Message me if I'm wrong but I don't see why a government should waste time on something like a video game. Unless it's a marketing tool, like AA. I dunno the game doesn't make me want to join the military or move to Europe. I guess they want to add to the economy by sucking in money from around the globe or is it that they feel that these poor developers can't make it with out them...

....Yep, I was right. I dunno I'd be angry if my government was always **** about money and then threw money at a pointless video game. But I guess there's waste at all levels of government in all countries.

I just played and finished Halo 2 for the first time. I know it was late, and I've almost bought it a thousand times but I ordered a pizza the other day and Gamefly intruded into my life so I took the free trial. Before my thoughts on Halo I would just like to say that Gamefly can go fly a kite. Free trial my ass. They held $20 they didn't tell me about for a week. I needed that money. When I looked for a phone number, I had to email first. then I waited 4 days for a response when I was given a number and a reason for the debit to my account. $20 bucks is a little harsh. I got it back but there was only $25 on my card. I had plans for that money the next day. Then when I cancel I swear I had to go through 12 screens begging me to not cancel. I would have kept it if not for the crap I had to. Bad business.

Halo to blew me away. I played Halo one winter every night after the bar co-op until 12pm for what seemed like months but I never owned it. I got Halo 2 in the mail last thursday and as luck had it the wife and kids went to the lake for the weekend. I snuggled up with that badass, bought a 30 pack of Busch and slapped on the Trittons for the weekend. I had a blast. I thought the ending was fitting. Maybe cuz Halo 3 is coming out so soon but damn that was great. She gave me this look as if I was lying when I told her what I did over the weekend.

Earth Defense Force

I bought this game when it came out, played it for a little while and it got pushed to the back of my play list. Yesterday I popped it back it and went to town. Well I beat it on easy and now I'm about 3/4 done with the normal campaign. When I play a cool level, I beat it on hard then try a hardest or inferno level.

One thing about this game and I don't really care what anyone says, it rocks. Yeah the production values blows but like the reviews said, it's really fun. once you get up there and get some good weapons the destruction is awesome. There's nothing like plopping down a couple of machine guns and tripods and unleashing a Goliath 2 in front of a line of giant bugs, arms, or what ever those alien suckers throught at you. Top it off with hours of replay and even the many glitches seem to be purposeful, just like the old b movies the game was fashioned after.

Crystal Viper and some other stuff.

Crystal F-in' Viper. I found this Polish band by accident. At first I thought it sucked but then I realized this is what metal is supposed to be. Forget all of the sub genres crap we've been bombarded with for the last 25 years and boil it all down and Crystal Viper stands tall. The chick is hot too.

I finally put a little bit of time in with Aegis Wing tonight (with CV in the back ground). I have always been good at games like that. Kick ass really. They seem to be the most fun for me, I can actually slip into them. This game, and I don't know why or if anyone else sees it like I do, is hard. Maybe it's just different and I need to approach it as such.

I also tried that new board game out too. I dunno, if I took the time to learn, I could have some fun with it. There's just so much stuff coming out these days that it's like you don't have time for it all. Two kids, a job, the wife, TV, the PC, chores. It just seems like I get stoked about something and lose touch with all of the stuff going on.

I found an awesome alternative to gamestop that's new around here; Play'n'Trade. There wasn't any cocky smuck looking down at me (I was playing Transbot before his parents met) trying to sell me a preorder and all of the other stuff that goes with that place. Just a big, black room with two button controlers attched to kiosks, ailses of Saturn games and I guy that really, really showed what this hobby is about. He had Panzer Dragoon Saga for the Saturn and prestine NES games with the sleeve under glass. He actually had a Dreamcast I should have bought and a 3-D pad for Nights. A gun for the PS1 and all sorts of other stuff. I picked up Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV for the Saturn and finally bought a battery for the thing. All of the sudden I was a kid again and I forgot all about that other place that caters to the rich mommies buying the weekly game or system for thier kid.

It reminded me of the good old days and something we all forget about. Old Games.

Man I don't know what to buy.

So I wake up. I'm about to turn 28 but the kid in me screamed for about the 22nd time. "Time to buy a game!!!!!!!!" Noone buys systems or games for me anymore and kiddies, trust me, the Christmas starts to go down hill pretty fast. Anyway, I got a 25 dollar best buy card and a check for $50. I figured I'd go to bestbuy and pick something up. I was there for 2 hours browsing the 360 games, then to the xbox ones Ninja Gainden black and Halo 2 looked really good, I still haven't played either. To the recievers, the laptop stuff, and then back to the 360. The Accesories, the games, wireless headphones so i can crank it at night. Still nothing. The cool thing was that I played gears on the kiosk and had a sizeable crowd behind me while a guy at the next one was playing resistance alone. Man I need a HDTV, it reminded me of the ole SF2 days...

...I walked out with nothing. I have Oblivion that I need to finish and gears that I need to start insane and actually play online with. I think I might be spoiled though. I look at Graw, and want to find a sale then then to WWF game and others, in the end I was it was between kameo and Gotham. i looked at Enchanted arms, ping pong, golf. there was a time when I actually felt smoke coming out of my ears. Salesmen were no help I know more than they do. Now I'm thinking enchanted arms or chromehounds, I just can't decide...