I found this funny picture and a story about when I was a kid about Santa (Libby, will know about this :D).
When I was about 8 years old, my whole family went to Christmas party for my mum's workplace at this park. There were a lot of kids there and Santa was expected to come for the kids. My sister (Libby) and brother were a lot older than me and were 14 and 13, so they were pass the Santa stage. Anyway, went Santa arrived all the kids, including me, ran over to Santa and handed him our lists of what we want for Christmas and were making a fuss of him. Next thing I heard was "Oh dear" coming from my mother, and I turned around and Santa was stumbling all over the place, so mum just took my hand and moved away. I never gave Santa my list or sat on his lap. Apparently, when one child was on Santa's lap and was telling him what she wanted for Christmas, Santa fell asleep! I remember thinking "what a weird mood Santa is in", but now I look back on it as an adult, he was drunk! :roll:
Libby has asked me to tell her friends here that she won't be back until a couple of days, she experienced early contractions and was in hospital overnight (it was a false alarm), and now is taking it very easy, she'll be back soon, but is trying to catch up on her sleep before the baby arrives.