I love all people. but why is japan getting price slashes for all nextgen systems. what makes them think we have more money. Honestly do i really need wii sports.
On nov 17th Ps3 will release. a few days before gears of war is also released. Gears is suspposed to create a diversion for the sony freaks. who/s really gonna take over that week . not sure but considering ps3 is anew system it will probably gain more attention. as far as sales is concerned I think gears will out sell ps3 this year
i love my 360 but did i pay over $400 to play games such as mutant storm and geomatry wars.time is ticking! ps3 and wii are coming! how long do i have 2 wait. the only game this month im looking foward 2 is street fighter for xbox live.
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