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lucas-rowe Blog

My Ultimate Game

Hey Guys,

Have you ever wanted to have a game made for you only and suited your very demands. Well in my blog today i will be writing my dream game.

Ok my game starts with a man standing on a ridge over looking a small town. Hes holding a big ol' dirty magnum in his left hand and a blood stained katana in his right. Hes wearing a jacket with a double barrel shotgun strapped to his back. As the camera rotates to his front, the wind started to blow and his jacket opens to reveal two machine guns on each side. He has a long beard and is wearing a cowboy hat. He walks to his right and hops in a red corvette. He guns it into town and a headline comes up. "Tainted tom is back, and hes gonna F&%K S#!T up." Well thats all i can think of at the moment hahaha. Please feel free to tell me your dream game.

Peace out ya'll:D

Keeping it real

Hey, My name is lucas rowe(also my gamertag), i'm a coastal aussie and love any gaming platform. I keep an open mind to everyones opinion and love to make my dreams a reality. Very social can be competitive. Love to chat. Xbox 360 will always be my main console of this gen. I have recently been recruited by Chaotic Retribution(YAY!), As you snoop around my profile you will notice i am a newbie but have no fear...customisation is near. One of my main topics of this blog is a game released tomorrow in Aus called prototype. I have it preorded with the limited edition Alex Mercer Figurine. I have waited for a year on end for ths brilliant creation to fall into my hands and i hope it is not taken away. I guess if your on this site your probably already informed on what Prototype is and if u dont know just look it up. If your like me and you like to see what its like on youtube. MUDDMAN87 is a great source with over 10 gameplay videos but beware: Spoilers are There so only watch little bits if you want to keep the same suspense as me. I will always be contactable. I check my emails daily,My live inbox hourly lol and i guarentee you will always get a reply to an extent of totally ridiculous and uncanny questions or statements that point out my stupidity or naive side. This will be one of many blogs ill aim at one a week to keep my readers updated(if i have any..not likely) on the my opinion on games,consoles,current event or just what im thinking. Keep it real ad dont forget to track me. ;). Peace out y'all GT= lucas rowe P.S for combat soldier: get Prototype on XBOX 360 becuase it has better graphics and controls :)