Well it's finally here...that time of year that all gamers love...holiday season 10' in upon us. Earlier this year my husband, my son, and I went through the joy of putting all the games we wanted for the year on preorder. We went through the list of what was coming out and happily put down the $5.00 on each game, this way we could just pay a little here and there(WOW am I glad we did). Then came the waiting game...month after month went by and we continued to pay here and there...but no games...then came Red Dead Redemtion. Oh how excited we were. Then slowly they started to trickle...next was mafia 2. Couldn't go wrong with that one. Then time went on and the waiting game continued. BUT now we are here...the best time of year for a gamer...holiday season...YEAH!!! It started earlier this month with Castlevania and continues through the end of November...oh what a happy time of year...with 6 more games coming out that we have on preorder in the next 5 weeks my year is made. That big thanksgiving dinner with the family...pffff, no need to worry about that when you have fallout New Vegas to conquer...Black friday sales...no need to bother with the crowds when you have to find followers to become ruler in Fable 3...The fable of this story is an easy one...to all you gamers out there...take you time to enjoy the season because it comes and goes all to quickly
lucjoy78 Blog
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