lucky99luke's comments

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Edited By lucky99luke

Just finished the campaign. Game wasn't that bad, especially considering I picked this game up for $3 from K-Mart. Gun Play was OK but a little lacking in much variety, simply take cover shoot, move forward, REPEAT. Taking cover sometimes didn't work as it should and left you completely exposed for a few seconds. Visually I thought it looked really good and the story didn't seem to make much sense to me, but all in all for $3 I am not going to complain and I had some fun playing it. I have a shelf full of games I have never completed so for me to finish a game, that means it can't have been all that bad, I give it a 7/10.

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@darkrayne @lucky99luke Yeah, I am enjoying it much more now since I started again with Wilhelm. I think the initial changes just took me a while to adjust to. And I purchase the game guide to support the developers, like I said I am a fan of the franchise, and not only that they contain all the great awesome artwork and information on all the different gear and enemies,

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@xGarrettThiefX @lucky99luke I have never played Borderlands in co-op, and I thoroughly enjoyed both Borderlands playing single player. I started again with a different character, I initially started with 'Nisha' but have since switched to 'Wilhelm' and I am starting to enjoy the game a bit more. I scored some golden keys which has helped. I think one of the issues is coming from Borderlands 2 in which I was god like and loaded with legendary gear smashing everything in my path to this, starting with shitty gear and a bunch of new changes that are quite meshing with me, Anyway, time will tell if I end-up falling in love with this game.

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Edited By lucky99luke

I am a huge borderlands fan, having played the first two endlessly, but I can't help but feel they ruined the franchise with this game. The low gravity sucks, the quality loot is even rarer than the first two games and the missions are long and tedious. Even worse is this oxygen limit they put in the game, you are constantly seeking to top up, a completely unnecessary and useless addition that only serves to annoy and frustrate. I am at level 15 as a single player so far and it has been nothing but a grind, no fun and no legendary loot. I can't believe I am going to say this, but I don't even feel like completing the game. I have waited so long for this game and I feel incredibly let down. I pre-ordered the game and also the Brady Games Guide Book to go with it. I don't know if I can keep grinding away using using useless guns and accessories. Unfortunately the first few hours of play have put me right of playing. I may try and persist again in a few days, but something tells me this is going to be an unfinished game for me.