Alright solast year wasn't all the bad for me... Oh who im I kidding, it was freaking awesome! 1 year today, I became apart of the part-time workforce and stayed at my job (McDonalds) unlikable ever since. I could have applied for other jobs but whether I was too lazy or needed a high-school diploma I didn't... And ever since I started working, I have been surfing theweb, compiling lists and buyingthings fromAmazon ever since.
Before I started my whole shopping spree, I only had around 10 games (including my PC, GBA, PS2,360, Xbox). Now I have 52 games in my collection (Xbox 360, taking up the most; with17). However my movie collection has now grown from around 10 to 110 (including TV shows and a mini series). I have basically every type of genre out there now and still planning on getting a good amount more. I love collecting movies, because their not as pricey as games and you can enjoy them in under 2 hours.
In other news - It's beenquite a kick*** year for us gamers and I'd like to share my top ten favorite games of 2007... "Ya I know, there all 360 games butfor the 360 it's been an incredible year.So here it is -
10. - Crackdown
7. - Mass Effect
6. - Assassin's Creed
5. - Bioshock
4. - The Orange Box
3. - Rock Band
2. - Halo 3
The Runner's up - GRAW 2...
I have not been able to even talk to the girl I talked about in my last blog, so nothing to report on that yet. And I also forgot to tell you guy's about my grades in my last blog. As it happens, I only passed one ****out of all four. I don't know how I failed my Business ****though, because I studied for it much more then the others. I feel really bad for failing the three, which I will inevitably have to take again. At least when I do take them again, I'll know what kind of homework I'll be trying to complete.
Like always I bought a couple movies recently (which im still waiting for!) -
Happy New Year!