I don't know if any of you have had the chance but if you like reading, like I do; you should read The Chronicles of Narnia... and if you have already, you should read it again. My dad started reading me The Chronicles of Narnia, when I was very young and ever since, I have reread it many times over. It made me fall in love with the Harry Potter series after the second book came out; and that in turn, increased my interest in reading. I later found out about Eragon and right around that time became a lot more politically involved... so I started reading The Enemy Within (by Michael Savage). I am currently just finishing up with the last book in the C.S Lewis series The Chronicles of Narnia: The Last Battle. It is probably one of the most powerfully important books you'll ever read and it's so short and easy to read that even a person who doesn't really have an interest in reading, could read it with ease. It's stunning to find the things that C.S Lewis says in them, reflect so strongly towards what is happening today; especially when it comes to today's liberals and the biblical references throughout are also brilliant. Anyway, I just thought I would tell everybody; if you really want to read something wonderful, go to the library or buy this series.
In other news, I will be pretty busy for the next 3 weeks or so, while finishing up my final paper on Terrorism; for my Political Science class... so I probably won't be making another blog until my class ends around the beginning of next month.
I have finally started to start playing my PS2; even though I bought it a few months ago. I started off by, playing through God of War. God of War I would rank, as one of the best games I have ever played. The action is always intense and keeps you feeling like an invincible yet insignificant mortal throughout. I also bought 24 the Game recently. I have only one word to say to people who are thinking about getting or playing it in anyway "don't!" It is an utter waste of your time and this is coming from a die-hard 24 addict. While I somewhat enjoyed the story while playing through the first part of the game; I eventually gave up... because everything but the story was horrible and even the story wasn't worth it.
I also finished what many people consider the greatest game ever made, Resident Evil 4... Although I strongly disagree with such a statement. While the game delivers its promise of being a survival game, in my opinion it utterly fails in the horror part. The game is also too puzzle oriented for my taste... as I would constantly have to run to my computer to read a walkthrough on the puzzle parts. My worst grudge against it though, is probably its lack of color or flavor; since I would constantly have to a go against villager after villager, which got boring rather quickly. Now I don't think it was a bad game; on the contrary I believe it was an interesting and different experience but I wouldn't list in my top 25 list of favorite games. Right now, i am getting back to playing COD4's multiplayer again; so far i am level 52 on my second run through.
As promised in my last blog, here are some pics of my movie collection so far -
I currently own 148 DVD's and 12 miniseries/ TV shows.
I also bought and added these three movies to my collection last week.
- since i already own the 2nd and 3rd.
That's all for now...