Finally... with 57 hours in, 71% game completion, 1142 people killed, an addiction level of buying in bulk, 172 days passed, 421 cars stolen, 428 stars attained, $880,000 gained from missions, 17,397 bullets fired and 78 deaths, I have finished the GTA 4 story. The immediate thrill which comes from taking control of a chopper is always intense (especially when brucie tags along for the journey). The police mechanic is probably one of the smartest things Rockstar has achieved in the game; because the amount of times you steal a car, mow down street lights, etc... You would automatically attract police attention but you can very easily escape from the police. My complaints I had are fairly insignificant, when I look back on the game as a whole; nevertheless I shall explain them. First one of the things I hate about completing a rather long or tough mission is that when you die, you usually have to start over from the very beginning (which becomes aggravating after 3rd time, especially when you lose the body armor and ammo which you had). I can't really think of any other great complaint iv had with the game. Their is literally so many things which are done to perfection in this game I hard to even list them all. GTA 4 is basically a must for all true gamers. I don't like saying that, seeing as it is a bad influence but it really is a wonderfully crafted sandbox game; which brings almost any possibility to light.
In other news, my classes have ended and my online summer class has started. Its an extremely easy class so i will have a nice and easy summer. I did finish the 24 part Judeo Christian series, which i talked about in my last blog... which is well worth your time. I also just got back from vacation last wendsday. I went with my sister and nephew to Sedona Arizona; Which is one of the most beautiful parts of AZ. We stayed with my parents and grandparents at a RV park. We mostly just stayed by the pool the whole time but we did go to Slideing Rock; a river with a red rock bed which is very slick and feels excatly like a water slide.
I also bought a few things off of Amazon today -