Well it's been quite awhile since I last blogged and the reason for that, is that I finally got my Drivers License 8) and also finished off my GED! :D I've had my Permit since I was 16 and now that im 18, my parents allowed me to get it. Honestly though, it wouldn't be that big of a deal if I had gotten it back then, since I didn't really have any friends (still don't... except for you guys) or any money... plus I now I have to pay my parents $150 a month for my insurance; so that also kept me from totally enjoying the whole thing. As for my GED, well I started taking the tests last summer but I had trouble finishing the Math, Writing and Science, so I had to wait until now, to finish it. I took math last and came out with a much better score then I anticipated--which I got the results from yesterday... Just in time; since my classes start next week. So, obviously I'll be able to apply for more (and better) jobs now that I have my GED. I have been thinking about applying at Blockbuster, Trader Joe's and maybe GameStop.
In other news: Since I had the day free last Sunday, I went to see
- National Treasure: book of secrets
Which was great. I thought the story was much more entertaning then the last, and it also had a bit more laughs. Overall I'd say it was worth seeing in theaters and I'd give it a "B+".
As for gaming; I haven't really been playing all that much lately, since Xbox live has been really screwy and I've been studying for my License and GED. Although I have gotten much further in the COD 4 rankings. I am currently a level 42 and using mostly the Dragnov - sniper rifle and G36 - Assault weapon.
Of, course I bought a few extra stuff on Amazon again, so I'll just list them with pics and names this time -
- The Pianist
- Saw 4
(The Mummy (1999)/ The Mummy Returns/ The Scorpion King)
The Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set [Box set]