Yaay I just got to Level 18 Flicky.
So far in Oblivion- I am level 36 and Now a Master In Sword and Heavy Amoror. I also got into the Arcane Universaty and now all my Full Daedric Amor is Enchanted with Grand Soul gems and is enchanted with stuff such as, Light for like 30 ft around me forever, Feather 50 points on self, Detect Life for like 25 ft around me, Fortify Health, and some other stuff, i also bought like all the houses Oblivion, with full furnishings. I am now working on destroying all the gates outside the citys for Brumas Aid, in the Main Quest.
And i also did another review for Lord of the rings: Return of the king, which i wanted to do a while ago but i have been busy with College homework. As soon as i finish the main quest ill write a review for Oblivion.