I wouldn't say it's the best ever but i ain't complaining, iv already bought myself plenty this year. So here's what i got -
A $10 Starbucks gift card.
And some shirts.
If your wondering why my family and i opened presents on Christmas Eve; well that is because ever since my sisters and i were little we have always opened them on the night before... lucky eh? Overall Christmas Eve has been an exciting and fun day this year and Christmas day looks even more promising.
I went to see I Am Legend, last Saturday. Which was very good. It didn't have a lot of action or suspense but it was still very interesting look into a Cast Away - Resident evil type of mixture. Overall I would give it an "A" and was a great movie for the theater. I'll probably be going to see National Treasure next week, since that also looks good.
In other news, a girl a my work recently - well I wouldn't say cornered me but that's what it felt like... and started telling me she liked me and wanted me, to get some whip cream and she would lick it off my body... ya you heard that right. I haven't seen her for quite a while during myshifts so I haven't had time to reflect on it much. I am not really sure what to do (since I don't really like her in a long relationship sense). Because if I do go out with her or something I think the only reason for it would be to "well be a guy". So I don't really want it to happen that way either and im so different (in that im a morally good conservative) that it's hard to know what to do. I have further complicated things by accidentally telling one of my friends from work, that I had a girlfriend... which everyone happened to hear.
Merry Christmas Everyone!