My Uncle was taking his daily afternoon nap and he i guess died in his sleep. This afternoon at around 1:30 and my aunt got home around then. She said when she got home the paramedics were already there and they were trying to revive him but i guess he was already gone. Anyway i went over there with my mom and dad, and saw him (he was still there lying on the floor next to his bed) which was kinda creepy. I think thats the first time i have ever seen anyone that is dead that close before.
My uncle was in the navy for i think 20 years and he was around 70 i think. He had diebietes and had a bad heart so i guess he wanted to go in his sleep then rather go through another surgery, which he was schegled to do soon. By the way we were not, very close but it still kinda weird to know hes gone.
This is not a pic of the funeral but its probaby what it will look like.