First I would like to announce, I am now the leader of the Conservative Union! :) It is my first leader position, so hopefully I'll make a great one.
Second, iv been trying to stop getting on Halo (I have homework) but it's proven rather difficult, since I am totally in love with it. I am working on Herioc difficulty now. I finished the game on Normal, probably on last Thursday or Friday, im not sure, because last week I had a heck of allot of homework. I had a 1500 word, perfectly crafted song essay due, a 2 page music essay due, 2 business quiz's due and my first math test... And pretty much had it all done by last Thursday. On top of that, iv been barely getting any sleep.
My stats on multiplayer so far are - Total EXP - 22 -- Highest skill - 6 -- Ranked matchs - 22 -- social matchs - 18-- custommatchs - 1
Oh and I forgot to mention in my last blog; I saw Superbad in theaters. Lets just say it was one of the funniest movies iv ever seen but with the most graphic behavior iv possibly ever seen in a R rated movie. Im kind of surprised it wasn't rated NC-17 or something. Very crude and raunchy humor (With allot of cussing) but if you can handle it, a very funny movie. I recommend seeing it on DVD unless you've seen all the other great movies that are in theater already. 2 & a half stars, out of 4.