If you haven't seen The Dark Knight yet, what are you waiting for? It's not everyday you get to see one of the greatest movies ever made. It is now the #1 movie of all time. My sister, her friend and I went to see the epic 2 hrs and 32 mins, on Friday night. Acting, directing, writing; pick any part (large or small) and you'll find excellence in every category. Acting-wise, Heath Ledger's Joker is one of the most frightfully realistic sociopaths in entertainment history and the rest of the cast do impressive job as well. I have seen a lot of movies but this just might have been the most intense movie I have ever seen... to say it was grander then the Godfather would be a bit of an overstatement but to even be considered on the same level is quite an achievement.
I have decided I will take the test much sooner then originally thought; largely because I really dislike my job... August 5th is now the day I will take the entry test (ASVAB) for the army and im currently leaning towards something like Intelligence analyst.
In gaming, my wireless controller has suddenly decided to die. So I haven't been able to play my 360 for a couple weeks now. I get paid this week so hopefully I'll be able to get a new controller. The thing that really sucked about it though, was that it died in the middle of my subscription to GameFly. I did get to play and finish Condemned 2, Dark Sector and Stuntman Ignition but I still had at least 2 weeks left.