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The Case For Judeo-Christian Values...

Better answers: The case for Judeo-Christian values

I have listened to Dennis Prager for over 5 years--not regularly but off and on (although for the past few months I have listened to at least 3 full hours of his show each week); and I have never taken much interest into his columns until recently. Sometimes he will mention his columns during his show and I'll think "ya I should really look-into that" and then I will forget about it... which is odd since I regard him as one of the most morally, intellectually and one of the most decent men on the planet. However I am glad I didn't this last time; because his 24 part Judeo-Christian Values series is one of the greatest columns I'll ever read. My mother is a very Spiritual person and comes from a background of which she believed that god is all of us and that she doesn't believe in religion--she just believes in that we all came from this type of divine energy. Nevertheless my father came from a deeply liberal family (who still are BIG libs) but only his aunt truly believed in Christianity and taught him all that she knew; therefore he is a big conservative Christian. So I have always had both influences throughout my life and enjoyed them both but I recently have found-out that I much more prefer Christianity to the simplicity of believing in just spirituality. I have never read the bible (although I plan to) but I have had so many people involved in my life--I realize that being with people who believe in a religion makes them more-likely to be a better friend and a better person. I had two friends (a girl & her brother) when I was little, who went to public school (as children of atheists no less) who I became good friends with. However my friendship with them was never as grand as it was with a new friend I would gain when I was around 11. He was apart of a Mormon family with 7 brothers. I didn't think much of the whole thing at the time and I just regarded him as a great friend. My other two friends I would later have to end the relationship with--because of problems with the girl admitting (to parents) we both did things which I'd rather not talk about on this site (it wasn't as bad as what your thinking and we both didn't know what we were doing; at least I didn't). Anyway, my point is people often put down religion, for reasons such as they don't like people who go to church for some reason or they had a bad experience. However that is the place you're going or the people you know and the exception to the rule. Generally, people who go to church tend to be far better friends, wives, co-workers, etc. People often forget that injustice and evil doesn't come from the Judeo Christian values or religion, it comes from the secular world. One of the most general examples is that which was done to the Jews by the Nazi's or the people who lived in country's like the Soviet Union. These were not of religious orientated killings but of secular. Finally, that is not all to say that evil exists only in the secular world but generally throughout history, the vast majority of evil has come from the non-religious.

Alright now that iv had my little lecture :P I'd suggest everyone should look into this series. I currently haven't finished it (im on part 10) but so far it's been very educational.

Also if anyone wants to listen to Dennis Prager, you can listen to his show anytime on -

In other news I am really excited for summer break. I have only a few days left. I will also be leaving a week and a half or so on vacation, which I'll probably be gone for about 4 days.

In gaming news I have really become a GTA 4 addict. Although I admit it is an "all around" Great game, I do have a few issues with it. First I absolutely hate that they didn't put checkpoints when you're in a mission. Another thing I dislike is when your in a mission and die and your given the option of redueing it, you lose all your weapons/ammo/armor that you lost when you died or were arrested. Third I don't think this is just me but what is up with the driving mechanic? Especially when you have a four star wanted level being chased by the cops and your car randomly flips over. I believe the last mission I completed was "three leaf clover". I have around 28 hours into the game and I have a 36% completion rating.

Of course i bought a few more dvd's since my last blog, so here they are -

AmazingGrace.jpg picture by mastertanksEvanAlmighty.jpg picture by mastertanksKnockedUp.jpg picture by mastertanksRansom.jpg picture by mastertanks

TheLastMimzy.jpg picture by mastertanksTheTexasChainsaw.jpg picture by mastertanksTheTexasChainsaw-1.jpg picture by mastertanks

For those who are interested, here is all twenty four parts to the Judeo-Christian Values columns -

Better answers: The case for Judeo-Christian values

The case for Judeo-Christian values: Part II

Judeo-Christian values: part III

The case for Judeo-Christian values: Part IV

The case for Judeo-Christian values: Part V

Liberal feeling vs. Judeo-Christian values: Part VI

Hate evil: Case for Judeo-Christian values, part VII

Part VIII: Judeo-Christian values are larger than Judaism or Christianity

Choose life: The case for Judeo-Christian values: IX

The Left's battle to restore chaos: Judeo-Christian values: Part X

Moral absolutes: Judeo-Christian values: Part XI

The Jews have a mission: Judeo-Christian values: Part XII

Secularism and the meaningless life: Judeo-Christian values: Part XIII

The arrogance of values: Judeo-Christian values, Part XIV

We are not just animals: Judeo-Christian values part XV

Nature must not be worshipped: Judeo-Christian values, Part XVI

Without man, the environment is insignificant (Part XVII)

Murderers must die: Judeo-Christian values: Part XVIII

The challenge of the transgendered: Judeo-Christian values, part XIX

There is no viable alternative: Judeo-Christian values Part XX

The rejection of materialism (Part XXI)

The feminization of society: Judeo-Christian values: part XXII

First fight yourself, then society: Judeo-Christian values: part XXIII

Who believes in American Exceptionalism? Judeo-Christian values part XXIV