Here are mine -
1. HALO 2 - In Legendary this game shows its true colars the most. (witch im still working on right now) I think this game beats Halo by a mile, with awsome gameplay how can u go wrong.
2. Medal of Honor Aliied Assualt - If the Singal player dos not succeed try try the multiplayer. But in this games case both succeed in gold with multiplayer beating it out at first.
3. Super Mario World - If anything were possibly wrong with this game you would have to look very very deep in it to find it, becuase it is simply the greatest game their is out their to date.
4. Splinter Cell Chaos Theaory - Steath never was so fun untill sam hit us with his amazing abillity to go invisibal in the dark.
5. Tony Hawks UnderGround 2 - Its surprising how far this series has gone from stunning combos in a warehouse to some very smart custimization add-ons this game is my fav in the series so far.
6. Half Life 2 - A great story and a long and remarkebul journey is something to be proud of in this game.
7. BurnOut 3: Revenge - A simple mixture of Racing and hardcore crashs make this games power deliver in Turbo.
8.Command and Conquer Genrals Deluxe Edition - cool base building and tuff strategy is this games main focus.
9. Spyro Year of the Dragon - Great varity of levels and playing as a dragon is always fun.
10. Pokemon Silver - I know its lame but this game is very fun, with 2 main quests and over 251 monsters and alot of replay value its worth buying.