So I recently bought Black Ops for the 360. Kinda funny after all of theses years, I started to play a FPS. I have to say out of the three days I have played the game I have enjoyed it. Yes I totally just said I enjoyed playing Black Ops lol. I am kinda embarrassed that I dissed this game so hardcore in the past. I guess you really shouldn't judge before you play :).
Hoping to improve me skills a bit, I think I would enjoy the multi-player more. I love killing Zombies lol omg I think that is the part of the game that has leeched me in. Granted I think this is why half the gaming population plays this game.
I have only gotten past the first part of the story in the campaign. So I really can't judge this part yet. Out of the 10 hours + of killing zombies with randoms and the lovely Tav I have to say people are a hell of a lot nicer then I was expecting. I seriously was ready to get some nasty hate tells from being such a noob. But no every time I went down someone was right there to resurrect me lol.
I think I need to start blogging more lol, I kinda miss it. Not going to jinx it this time though. Every time I say I am going to get un-lazy and motivated to blog about my gaming life I end up being a epic failure lol.
<3 Lucky
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