I would give the game a chance first and then decide if it's a copy/paste job of assassin's creed with a coat of fresh paint. My excitement isn't spoiled and I will play the **** out of this game once it comes out
I like this game and dark soul 1 because they kick you in the balls because you need to tread carefully, not hack and slash like a god of war on a rampage.
I like this game because you need to figure everything out and see for yourself and there is no "oh you must go there because there is a waypoint there" or "you must kill this enemy to get this item for progression" no!
None of that bullshit anymore and just one more question: you only played 25 hours and killed 5 bosses when there is so much more and you already give the game a mediocre score? "yeah, right"
And also, look closely at the lore, it might be confusing at first but there is a lot to it if you dive deeper into the world
I just got one thing to say against all the haters: " grow up!!!!", gonna talk sh*t about someone who just did their job for this community. I can't stand it!
lukasbaz's comments