I wont say I'm back because I dnt really like GS that much - with all the slow loading and that. But anyways, the thing that I'm on here is to tell you about a new game I've found that I like at the moment. It's only started a few weeks ago because its been in Alpha and Beta. It's called AdventureQuest Worlds an I like it atm. Try it an you might like it. I can't be bothered to come up with a whole lot more so that's that for now I guess.
P.S. @ all the guys an gals (and aliens/monsters/its): I popped onto MLN just now and was wondeing if anyone could give me 46 pipes, 47 gypsums and/or 30 clicks on my electricians module - I will give clicks and items in return.
@ Venom: your probably away but how are you doing on RS - good I hope.
Bye for now - Clawz93 8)