I must say that depending on what you want, the wii is an awesome console. it's a fun and imaginative thing, useful for all (except those pathetic hardcore "if it's not zombies or gore, it's ***t" gamers)!
The ps3 is better than the wii graphics wise and has better games - in my opinion - but if your looking for childish humor and playful joy, then sadly it falls short to the wii.
The 360 is supreme to the wii and ps3 in only one way-graphics- sure, it's focused around internet play and sure, it has a very large amount sold compared to the ps3. But lets face facts, the wii sold much more than the 360, but no, Microsoft says it's superior to the ps3 because of sales but not inferior to the wii because they're different things ! that doesn't work !!:!:!:!:!
I think we can conclude the following: ____FUN__________ "hardcore"
_________________________________WII>ALL ______PS3>360>WII