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i got my psm a few days ago and before reading it i was not all that excited about resistance: fall of man. i mean it looked like a good game and all but i wasn't particularly stunned.

after reading the 13 page preview and seeing the full page screenshots that were crystal clear i was psyked. i litterally got chills when i stopped and thought about playing the game.

this is going to be a halo killer!!! (not that i dislike halo) people will be having resistance parties insead! if this game doesn't live up to my expectations i will be very surprised and let down.

i now have a solid incentive to buy a ps3. there will be 40 player online deathmatches as well as many other game modes. the single player campaign seems to have a deep story and will have scare elements. (like doom 3 with dark hallways and such)

this game will rock!