@Blank2k2 That PS4 headset does look pretty bare bones, but at least i can use my trusty old Bluetooth headset. Why doesn't MS give us the option to use any bluetooth headset?
@nickpeck36 Well, i know it's optional, but the play and charge kit is a essential for me since i don't want to be changing batteries all the time. I bought one for my 360 for that reason.
With an internal battery like the ones in the DS3 and DS4, it would be so much better for the XB One controller and for costumers.
So the 360 came with an headset and the XB One doesn't? Plus, the controller still runs on regular batteries? You'll have to pay extra for a play and charge kit?
Keep milking your custumers MS, they'll all eventually open their eyes and show you the middle finger.
And the hole keeps getting bigger. Keep digging MS, keep digging...
I have both a PS3 and an XB360 and i love them both. This new generation i will not support MS and their console. I couldn't get one even if i wanted, since my country is not supported. I will not give up on my consumer rights too.
Sadly the sequel to one of my favourite games of the current generation is coming exclusively to a platform i will never get. Such a disappointment because i love Bayonetta.
This is a really bad move from MS if true. An always-online console will scare away a lot of potential buyers, myself included. Guess i'll stick to one console only next gen, the PS4.
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