Took it out the box lol how come all u ps4 guys r taken it so personal ( I got 1) if the ps4 guy were bought on there system u wouldn't be so defenceful. The box is just better rite now it could change ps4 just has lot of catchy up rite now. (and dont hate cuz I got the bank 4 both systems just pik ur game up LOL)
Not even close u need 2 look up ur titles first then post u comments. The box has prob 10 more exclusives rite now. Ps has 3 and killzone is 1 of those the other 2 are online exclusive online witch r both better but the servers aren't even workn str8 so I feel lucky wen I get 2 play them.
lol just a realist I don't care who wins I got both systems. I no ps4 I droppn some games tags why I got it. any1 who has plays both system can clearly see wat 1 is better right now. All the new stuff on ps4 is the same stuff as the 360 nothn new 2 any1 who had a 360. This is suppose 2 be future gaming isn't it.
Who Eva says ps4 is better is out of there minds. I got both and haven't gotten off the box. ps4 promised so much and didn't come through from haven no game on release day 2 there bullship net work. They talks up killzone and tat shit suks. The box covers every type of game and released a good number of exclusives.I'm probe traden my ps4 in cuz theres nothing new about it and the box has everything plus sum the ps4 fails me again and its prob the last Sony product ill buy
luvmesumme's comments