Just yesterday I took a look at the new article on this site. When I saw the picture it struck me, and what struck me was anger. As a Playstation 3 owner, I take pride in my differences with the 360. While all the 360 owners brag heavily about their Halo and Gears, I can rub in their faces MGS4, Resistance, and LittlebigPlanet. Now the rumors could be very true as to the series splitting in to a 360 branch as well, but I have to wonder why. Their success on the playstation would be plenty enough, and their influence on the gaming world is unpresidented. Kojima in my opinion would be sacraficing his reputation to obtain more pocket money if this were to fall through. The series of Metal Gear has stayed oh so loyal to the Playstation hardware. And it would kill me, if that were to break now. Infact I may want to kill a 360 owner for this reason. Maybe I'm blowing this fully out of proportion and should ignore that power button, which is the same shade of green. But it blows my mind as to how something as great as MGS4 would be remade for XBox owners. All I have to say is read between the lines Mircrosoft. I would post a picture but I would find it unnecessary. Anyways please people, share your feelings. Hate me, ignore me, or love me, just say what you want to say.
You need to get some perspective into your life. It is just video games. It's not healthy to be so angry ie killing a 360 owner just because of that. That is extreme. It is not the end of the world in the unlikely event MGS goes to 360. So what ?? It is even better because more people will get to acknowledge what a great game MGS truly is. All these game exclusivity really make it hard for people to truly enjoy games without having to fork out tonnes of money to own all three consoles.
I myself am a PS3 owner. Not an owner of 360. I opine that PS3 will still do better despite the crossing over of previously-exclusive games on the basis of its blu-ray capability.
Peace man, there are greater things to worry about in life than the possibility of a video game crossing over to another console.
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