@neurogia: Yes, and they won that match partly because of that. Anyway, I'm not saying Ares is top tier support, he is not. But even if the actives becomes free, it doesn't mean Ares will be worse. People just don't have to spend gold on beads. Making it faster to buy normal items instead.
@neurogia: Ofc not, All ultimates in the game sucks if you do not have any follow up though. Other people needs to ult them selves or Ravana who has his 2. All others must use beads or Ult themselves. A good Ares is one who lands is one and ultimate 2 and 3 does not really do much as far as damage goes. Dunno if you saw last years SWC? Kanyelife from Titan owned the other team, because with the proper follow-up you either need to use beads on his Chains(1) or you'll be dead, and once you have used your beads you need to ult, if one of them is on CD you are fucked. Unless you are Ravana ofc :)
@neurogia: Blink in, ult. Max level beads are only close if Ares doesn't go any Cooldown at all. And if you play Ares you should buy cd boots and breastplate of valor/mail of renewal giving you 40/30 % CD :)
lykketrolle03's comments