Hey all
Just wondering if theres any talk or info onEA Sports making another Rugby game, i know the ones in the past werent very good,running about as block men. But surley theres a call & a market to tap into.
I mean theres plenty of games out there for other sports that maybe aren't as big as rugby as a sport
Fishing :!:
Darts (i do like darts tho & i know the following of darts has boomed in recent years)
Horse Racing :?
If someone put in the time & effort they could have a massive franchise on their hands dont you think??
I dont think theres no reason not to have a rugby game
* There be plenty of sponsorship
* Theres plenty of leagues, Tournaments & teams
* Player endorsement (like fifa)
* Plus with the world cup not to far off in the distance
I think there is a calling, i'd 100% buy it year in year out like i do with Fifa
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