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maa4208 Blog

Canceled my subscription

Once GameSpot starts caring and actually doing something about the unions, then I will gladly re-up. Until then, I'm out. Have been for a while. The subscription used to be an Easter gift from my mom, but now it's kinda pointless.

I do have a lot of plans for FT though. I'm in some graphic design classes and I made a sweet logo for FT:

Thats it from here.

Please leave a message after the beep

*beep* :P

Well, I am leaving for vacation in Greece tomorrow for 2 weeks. Yep; it shall be awesome. :D

If anything happens with the unions while I am gone (since I won't have an internet access for like 2 weeks unless my aunt or I decide to bring our laptops), TheForgotten0ne is in charge of the Fantasy Threads. I hope that he and I share the same vision for FT so he can help incase GameSpot decides to do any updates for the unions. You can use this as proof just incase anyone says that I didn't give you permission, Jonas.

Let's talk about games a bit, shall we? :P

Ever since Trophies came out for the PS3, I have loved them. I have Super Stardust HD (36%), PixelJunk Eden (like 4% :P) and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. All I need for Uncharted is to beat that damned Crushing difficultly. It scares me because I played the first chapter and one handgun shot hit me and I was already black and white (near critical health). Yeah. This is going to suck. Oh well. I'm almost done. I'll finish it when I get back.

Thats about it from here. I'll talk to all of you later on.

Mike (maa)

End of a Dilemma

Well, I got the replacement PS3. We went to Best Buy and they were holding an 80GB model for us. So we swapped the HDs there and did some other shopping and left. I just got back like 10 minutes ago and I plug in all the cables and everything and turn it on. This screen pops up and says:

"The hard drive must be formatted to continue."

No. **** no.

So I chose "No." (There was no "**** no" option :P)

Then it said that it couldn't continue.

So I turned it off an turned it back on and the same thing. My dad and I are sad, but we had to format the Hard Drive. I was able to get all of the saves from it earlier except Vegas 2 and Rock Band. The Rock Band one hurt. We have to do EVERYTHING over now. My dad, cousin and I were almost done with World Tour too. Oh well. At least I have a working PS3 now. Right now it is getting Update 2.41 so that is taking a while. I am sad though.

I did get 2 new emblems though. Thats pretty good. And a funny thing is the box finally came to ship the PS3 in. :lol: Well now I have a big box. Woo. :roll:

So how is everyone else doing?

In a little dilemma

Hello everyone, it's Mike and I have a little problem. My PS3.....has seen better days. The Blu-ray reader is having problems reading Blu-ray discs. Games and movies that are Blu-ray based freeze after a period of playing, which ranges from 5 minutes to 1 hour. DVDs work fine in it; only BDs are the problem.

Yeah, it sucks. I have 2 options.

1. I send it into Sony. I have confirmation that the box to ship it in has been shipped to me via UPS and it'll be here the 15th. I just got a reprint of the receipt from Best Buy so I have everything that I need. However, talking about Best Buy brings up option 2.

2. I take it to Best Buy and get a new one from them. Yeah, on the receipt from BB was a thing saying about a 2 year extended warranty. My dad forgot about it. :| Oh well. :P I can take it there, they take out the Hard Drive and put it in the new one and I'd be all good.

However, I want to see if Sony will take it and see what is really wrong with it so they could possibly help other people. Yeah, me the forever (well, majority of the time) optimist. :roll: And I can't find any 80GB PS3s online at Best Buy (and I don't want the MGS4 bundle; I'm happy with what I have). Only 40GBs. So IDK what will happen.

I want your opinion on what you would do.

BTW, I'm doing fine, except for the PS3 being lame.

Haven't done one of these in way too long

Hey all, it's Mike. Yes, I am actually posting a blog. I know, control yourselves. You all missed me, I know. :P

Anyhoo, let me catch you up on what has been going on in my life.


Yeah, a whole lot there. :P I'm just kidding. Hopefully these bullet things work, because I'm going to use them!

  • Still single (but working on it ;))
  • Got a job at Target as a Cart Attendant ($8.00/hr is not that bad when you think about it :P)
  • Got a PS3 for Christmas (PSN ID: maa4208 (real original, I know))
  • Play Call of Duty 4 (online) almost religiously, which is kinda bad I guess :P
  • (I also got Ratchet and Clank Future, Assassin's Creed, Rock Band, Oblivion: GOTY Edition, Guitar Hero III (like, just today actually :P), and Motorstorm for the PS3 and The Orange Box, Bioshock, and World in Confict for the PC) (I thought I'd make that it's own bullet. It's my blog, I can do what I want! :lol: :P)
  • Got promoted in ROTC to a Cadet Major so I feel special even more important. :P
  • Won the Intra-city competition between Joliet Central (thats my school) and Joliet West. (My Color Guard won best CG :D) A video is located on my MySpace.
  • Bought an 8 gig Zune because some lame person stole my other MP3 player.
  • Had to do a system restore on my computer because it was really really freaky and I could only run it in safe mode, which means it'll be a while before I get Photoshop up and running again.

So, how is everyone doing?

And I think thats it from here. Well, unless I edit this blog and add something new. :P

Mike (maa)

Whoever turned 18 on Thursday, raise your hand *raises hand*

Hey all, it's Mike, another year older. Yep, my birthday was Thursday the 6th. I'm 18 now. :D Before I get to the gifts I got, I have something to say: Brianda and I split up. It was kinda mutual, with her neding to concentrate on her job / school / music and me and my need for her to be here. We still love each other though, and when she gets back, we are going to see how things are between us. It hopefully isn't the end of us though: When my mom and dad were dating, they broke up for 9 months before getting back together. This October makes their 20th wedding anniversary. Thats a positive thing to look forward to.

Anyhoo, lets get to the gifts. From my mom and dad, I got a 21.6 Widescreen monitor for my computer. It is awesome. Then from my grandma, grandpa, and uncle, I got that Crimson& Onyx Nintendo DS with Brain Age 2. It is really fun to play. Now, before I say what I did next, I have to say that I had almost $340 (part of it was money I already had, around $210; the rest, gift money). I went to GameStop and spent $276.81. Yes, I spent that much. :P I bought:

Final Fantasy I (PSP)
Final Fantasy II (PSP)
Final Fantasy III (DS)
Heroes of Mana (DS)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (PC)
The Elder Scrolls IV:Knights of the Nine (PC)
The Elder Scrolls IV:Shivering Isles (PC)

I kinda went RPG crazy. :P I still want to get some CDs. Or I want to save up some money and get this.

Well, on my birthday, I went to a Raider Team meeting for JROTC. It's hard to explain. First we do PT (Physical Training). It's split into 3 levels: Lightweight, Middleweight, and Hardcore. Then you go to one of4 groups: Medics, Land Navigations, Engineers, and Communication.I went to Hardcore. 8) It was pretty good. However, it poured rain and we had to yell a lot so I got sick I think from that. I was losing my voice yesterday and my nose was runny. Now my throat is sore and my nose is congested and I have a headache. My muscles ache but I can already feel them getting stronger and I can see a difference in my abs already. Hoo-ah.

Well, thats about all from here. How are all of you doing?

Mike (maa)

Here Without You

I think this song best describes my situation.

Here Without You
3 Doors Down

A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me

The miles just keep rollin'
As the people leave their way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
But I hope that it gets better as we go

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

Everything I know, and anywhere I go
It gets hard but it wont take away my love
And when the last one falls
When it's all said and done
It gets hard but it wont take away my love

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

Remember how I said that Brianda was going to leave for Mexico? Well, she left Sunday morning, our 10 week anniversary. I rode up with her brother to the airport. Her flight left around 9-ish so she had to be there around 7. We had to leave her house at 5:30 so I had to be awake by 4:30 and I got to her house at 5:15. We got there around 6:15 and left around 7:00. I took some pictures of her Sunday. The first one was at her house. You could tell that she was still a little sleepy. :P The second one is my favorite picture of her. It is going in my wallet so I can show my friends how beautiful my girlfriend is.:D The last one is the last pic we took together, at least until she comes back.

1 | 2 | 3

It's just that, she's the best thing that ever happened to me and I can't see my life without her. We were waiting by the security check (because we were there kinda early) and when she told me that she was going to head up to the gate, my heart sank. It was the first time that I cried in front of her, and I kinda feel stupid for doing that. It's not like I'm not going to see her again, I'll just miss her so much, thats all.

I mean, we are still going to be together and all, it's just that it would be the last time for (at the most) 6 months that I would see her beautiful face in person and that I would be close to her. On Friday, I told her how I felt about her. You know, those 3 words. She didn't say it back though, but she told me that I mean more to her than her other boyfriends did, even the one that she went out with for 2 years. She hasn't been happier, and she wouldn't have gone to Mexico, but she already planned it out before she met me. She doesn't say it much she said. She rarely tells her parents that. I'm going to keep on telling her it though, because I know it will come soon. She even told me that; she was just a little supirsed that I said it this soon. I don't think it's "soon" though.

That was before this morning.She called and she told me that she got in ok and everything. She tried last night, but her phone wasn't working. When she was getting ready to hang up, I told her that I loved her and she said that she loved me back. :oops: That made me really happy.:)

Well, these next few months will be a little harder than normal; not because it's my senior year (I got my schedule for schooltoday and it seems kind of easy to be honest :P), but because the girl I love is over 1500 miles away. I'll make it; we'll make it, I'm not worried about that at all. I just wanted to spend my senior year (all of it, not just one semester) with my girlfriend, thats all. I think I'm going to send her emails everyday. I sent her one last night, I just hope she has a reliable internet connection (she should, but I'm not positive). Hopefully we can talk on the phone more often that I thought we would. I know long distance isn't cheap, but she said that she was going to get a calling card so we should be talking on the phone more than on Windows Live Messenger.

Well, thats about it.

Mike (maa)

Thought you all would like to know

Well, only a couple of people on GameSpot know this (Tom, Ron, Leonel, southy and Katie). Everyone might as well know. As all of you know already, I am going out with Brianda (see last blog). I have never felt this way toward anyone else before like I do with her. She means so much to me. I don't think I have ever been this happy. I may have said that before, but I was clueless until now. She told me that she went out with one guy for 2 years and she never felt like this toward him like she does toward me. Just the thought of her makes me smile. I do know that I don't want what we have to end. We have so much in common and that has never really happened to me before. If I were to lose her, I don't know what I would do. I'm not sure if I would ever find anyone like her again if I lost her.

Anyhoo, lets get to the blog's purpose:

She is going to Mexico for a semester of college. She leaves around the start of August and she'll be back sometime in January. Her uncle is the president of the town she lives in and he is sponsoring her to go to college (gotta love connections :P). I'm going to wait for her so I'm not too worried. At first, she wasn't sure because her last boyfriend said that he would wait for her and he did. Thing is, he only waited like a week before he cheated on her. Thats why she was unsure about me waiting, but she believes me. She told me that I am not like the other boyfriends she has had.

We'll miss each other's birthdays (I'm actually older than her by a couple of months :P) and Christmas so that will suck, but it'll be ok. She told me that she wants to be my prom date so that will be cool. :D I hope I am with her for a long time. Now, it's not like we won't talk to each other in that time period, no no no no no. We'll talk on Windows Live Messenger every night. Hopefully we can talk on the phone too. I wonder what long distance to Mexico runs........:P

Well, thats about it.

Mike (maa)

Long time no blog

Yes, I am alive. :P So, how is everyone doing? I'm doing great. Remember that girl I mentioned from last blog? Well, we are going out now. It's been 2 weeks last Sunday. She's awesome. :) Her name is Brianda. We went to a baseball game (the Joliet Jackhammers, a semi-pro team in our area) and they actually won. :P I come bearing pics too! :D

The next two show my dislike with mascots. :| :P

We had a great time. :D

I also made this in Photoshop.

I got my report card the other day too, and I didn't do all that bad. 5 Bs and 1 A with a 4.04 GPA and I was ranked 32nd out of 325. Not bad. Thank God for Honors / AP courses. :P

Apart from that, I haven't been doing a lot. I need to get a job, but right now it's been the lazy life for me. :P

Thats about it.

Mike (maa)

"When the rich wage war it's the poor that die"

In case you all were wondering, that is a line from Linkin Park's new album, Minutes to Midnight. The song is Hands Held High. It is an awesome song and an awesome album. My favs on it are Leave Out All the Rest, Bleed it Out, Shadow of the Day, What I've Done, Hands Held High, Valentine's Day, and In Pieces.

Well, how's everyone doing? I am personally doing great. I got my research paper back and I got an A. I posted a copy in my union. You can look at it here. I'm still single, but maybe I can change that. Well, lets say hopefully I can change that before this school year ends. I also found out from my best friend Hector that next year for ROTC, I will be a Cadet Captain! I'll be in the Battalion Staff, being the S-1, which is in charge of Cadet Records. That made me REALLY happy. :D

Well, this is a short blog because I can't think of anything else to write. :P Last little note: Check out Fantasy Threads for the Battle Royale and many other things that we have going on. :D

Thats about it.

Mike (maa)