Well, today was pretty cool. She wasn't at school today, but she called me later on. She said she still likes me, and she's sorry. She sounded sincere......Well, lets just see what happens. Remember that one girl I was talking about? Well, she flirted with me even more today. She played footsie with me....:lol: I know she still has a boyfriend, but I'm just going with the flow....8) Today was the senior's last day, so it was kind of bitter-sweet. I'll miss alot of my friends. I hope you all do well! :D 4 DAYS LEFT!!!! WOOT!!!!! :D:D:D
I joined this union, called the Judging Gamers Union. I like it alot. It is a pretty fun place to hang out at. You all should check it out! ;) I posted alot there......Oh yeah, no video blog today. I'll do some extra ones tomorrow....
Well, thats about it.
Mike (maa)