Yes, I am alive. :P So, how is everyone doing? I'm doing great. Remember that girl I mentioned from last blog? Well, we are going out now. It's been 2 weeks last Sunday. She's awesome. :) Her name is Brianda. We went to a baseball game (the Joliet Jackhammers, a semi-pro team in our area) and they actually won. :P I come bearing pics too! :D
The next two show my dislike with mascots. :| :P
We had a great time. :D
I also made this in Photoshop.
I got my report card the other day too, and I didn't do all that bad. 5 Bs and 1 A with a 4.04 GPA and I was ranked 32nd out of 325. Not bad. Thank God for Honors / AP courses. :P
Apart from that, I haven't been doing a lot. I need to get a job, but right now it's been the lazy life for me. :P
Thats about it.
Mike (maa)