mabjo / Member

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Baten kaitos

in my zelda exitment i didnt forget that baten kaitos would finally come to europe the 1st of april, so of course i started to become exited about that game too ^^ now it's april the 9th, and it still hasn't come to a store nearby me!

...thats just sad....

ZELDA!!!!!!! zelda ^^

batman tune: zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda ZELDA!!!!!!!! zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda zelda ZELDA!!!!!!!!

pokemon tune: zelda games, gotta get them all!

i....can't.... wait.... til.... it... comes..... out.... PLZ! DONT LET IT COME 6 MONTHS AFTER THE US RELEASE TO EUROPE!!!!!

zelda trailer

im kind of exited right now over the new zelda trailer (nr. 2) ... ... ... i'd like to meet the kitties, but i miss navi... ... ... i didn't say that, and i didn't write it either! ... god im bored. heh, noone will be reading this anyway.

european release dates

one of the things that irritate me the most about gaming is the fact that we european almost always gets the games later than america and japan, like Tales of Symphonia(GC), japan got it first, then america (july), but we in europe are still waiting for it and will not get it before November the 19th! we get most games 3-5 moths later than america, and for what? so they can transelate it to german, french, italian and spanish, why cant they just learn english instead? im tired of waiting.